So after our first year out of Beta, we’re kinda proud to be able to share our monetization insights, tips, and best practices with you, our readers. On behalf of the entire AdNgin team we would like to thank you for visiting our blog, reading, sharing, and commenting….We expect no less of you in 2016 so go out…have fun…but get right back here after that ;). ‘Tis the season to be jolly. And shop lots, wear ugly holiday sweaters and spend time with the family. Whether you want to or not. Another thing you see a lot of this time of year (even more than usual!) are top 10 lists. There’s just so many of them, it’s hard to choose which to read while killing time on the ski lift. But if you are going to choose, here are the top 3 reasons why you should choose this one. If you don’t care why and just want to see the list – we don’t mind. Just scroll on down! This list, like most of what we do, is based on data. Picking the posts with more views seems obvious, but we respect you too much to do that. Instead, we combined insights from social media engagement (likes, shares, retweets, and comments), SEO data (Google Organic CTR, backlinks, rankings), and website analytics (page views, average time on page, blog comments, and bounce rate). At this point you might be imagining our team of analysts and data geeks huddled around flickering screens with analytics dashboards and complex spreadsheets. And you’re right, except they’re all better looking than you imagined them. Even with their ugly holiday sweaters. Sometimes it takes more than just numbers to reach a conclusion. For example, one might think a “better” post would get more engagement and comments. That may measure popularity, but doesn’t say much about quality. So we measured the attitude of the comments as well – positive, negative and indifferent (neither positive nor negative). Which is pretty hard, by the way. How do you decide which is more positive – “Awesome”, “Amazing” or “Epic”? To analyze the social media response to the content, we use tools like Klout. With them, we measured how these post hit, if at all, with social media influencers. All the results from data analytics, alongside qualitative measurements for comments are compiled in preparation for the next step in our measurement process: Bunny. Our office dog Bunny knows her way around content. She can sniff out quality posts faster than most readers, so our creative team of data scientists have developed a unique scale for measuring content quality: The Bunny Post Quality Index. We observe her as she is exposed to the different posts, and her responses are carefully measured. Barks are designated as likes, and stare-time as an engagement metrics. If Bunny falls asleep on the keyboard, we count this as a negative comment. We believe this should be an industry standard, but so far have had little success with its acceptance as such. So we stick to AdSense optimization, for the most part. If you need another reason, then you should know that in 2015 we’ve written a lot of in-depth posts, using data we gathered and insights that could be profitable for you. We invest a lot of time and thought in creating posts that can help bloggers, webmasters, online publishers and content creators better monetize their online assets. If you belong to one of the categories above, you have a lot to earn by reading these posts while you wait for your flight or stand in line at the store. Source: Free Articles from I’m Head of Marketing Operations at AdNgin. Before coming to AdNgin, I was a marketing professional focused on SAAS business models. When I’m not working, which is rare, I sail and hang out with my son, Jonathan, and wife, Meital.