Local dealers are in business to make living selling vehicles. An out of town used car dealer doesn’t care where you live or work as long as you’re employed so that you can make your car payments. You can't take advantage of your local used car dealers, but you might be able to get a better deal than if you went to another town. Local dealers are in business to make living selling vehicles. They have a reputation to maintain in order to continue selling cars to their neighbors like you. Used car dealers are owned and run by local men and women who often attend board meetings or participate in local charity functions. An out of town used car dealer doesn’t care where you live or work as long as you’re employed so that you can make your car payments. If you buy a used car from them, they might not be as concerned about it breaking down sooner. You could be viewed as a less valuable customer since you’re less likely to return to an out-of-town used car dealer to get repairs done or buy new tires when needed. Out-of-town car buyers should be valued by any used car dealership, but word of mouth will reach less of their target market if you live in another town. Buying locally helps keep your local businesses going so that you don't have to go out of town to make your purchases. Since you have this extra pull with local used car dealers, they are more likely to give you a better deal. Your influence on others you know in the same town should encourage the dealership to treat you well and give you a reasonable price possibly with some service or warranty included. In a smaller town, there’s a chance you know the dealer who you want to buy a vehicle from. Your children might go to the same school, you or your spouses might be friends, or you might be involved in the same town organization. These are more advantages you have when shopping for a used car from a local used car dealership. The salesman doesn’t want to be known for selling you a faulty vehicle, so they should treat you well and help you find a car that fits your needs. Local dealerships rely on good word of mouth, so quality customer service is a priority. Your local car dealer might ask you to return when you need maintenance done or new tires put on. The goal here is to make you a lifelong customer that keeps coming back to their dealership. There’s no need to avoid this since you’ll need regular service appointments and maintenance work throughout the life of your vehicle anyway. If you compare prices with similar used vehicles at different dealerships, you will be in a better position to negotiate prices. It’s important to do your research before you buy a used vehicle. Even if you know the dealer, you should be informed before you agree to a price. Local used car dealerships will often offer you an unbeatable price because they know you, and they want to keep your business in the future. Article Tags: Local Used Source: Free Articles from ArticlesFactory.com If you're searching for New & Used Buick Car for Sale Villa Park then Haggerty Auto Group is where you want to look. For more information on their inventory and rates, please visit http://www.haggertyautogroup.com/.