We continue our series on the specific workouts found in the GSP Workout DVD Program with a look at the fight conditioning section. In many ways, the GSP Workout DVD program draws it’s inspiratio... We continue our series on the specific workouts found in the GSP Workout DVD Program with a look at the fight conditioning section. In many ways, the GSP Workout DVD program draws it’s inspiration from some very well done regimens that came out before it. This is seen perhaps most pointedly in the clear relationship between Shaun T’s Insanity and George St. Pierre’s MMA workout for your home.  When talking about the “Fight Conditioning” workout of the GSP Workout DVD Program, you are essentially talking about fully body work, high impact, high intensity, using large muscle groups but instead of weights you use full body resistance. You probably are the closest to the actual act of mixed martial arts combat within this program. The benefits are simply full body work from head to toe, an increase in raw strength, agility and an almost unlimited ability to excel at any sport. This is especially true of sports that have a stop, start and explosion component. I am thinking sports like basketball, tennis, football, and racquetball to name a few. One of the caveats about the fight conditioning program of the GSP Workout DVD program is that you very likely will find the moves and requirements to be uncomfortable if you don’t have a wrestling, gymnastics, or dancing background. There are elements of all three along with a heavy dose of ultimate fighting championships type work.  It combines takedowns, grappling, ground work and defensive techniques to throw you into the fire of one beastly cardio workout. If any of you remember Shaun T’s Insanity, there is a definite close correlation. That one had me begging for mercy the first few weeks. The reason is simply that it requires you to use your muscles at a level of intensity and resistance and in ways you aren’t used to. Any time you can challenge your muscles in new or innovative ways that force change on your body, you are going to ramp up the speed and level of your results. If anything, the GSP Workout DVD program is a better workout than Insanity, if for no other reason that you get the best of insanity but also attack your body in ways that Insanity doesn’t get to. When you are talking about the principles of muscle confusion it is arguably one of the better programs going. Muscle confusion under structured safe controlled oversight, equals results. Source: Free Articles from ArticlesFactory.com Cheryl Boswell is a writer and researcher on home fitness and health products. You can save time and money by getting FREE in depth news, features, and reviews on home exercise equipment, workout programs, health, and nutrition, including discounts and best prices at http://bodyslimdown.com