Safe Tips and Solutions for healthy living and weight gain without any side-effects. Social media, newspapers are flooded with news about how to lose weight, when all you want to do is just to gain some extra weight instead. But you will be happy to hear that you can rely on Ayurveda for solutions to gain weight the right and safe way without side-effects. Ayurveda has underlying principles for every problem, with all the diseases are categorized according to different body types. There’s no single solution in Ayurveda and the medicines are advised based on one’s body type –kapha, vata and pitta, problems, symptoms and various other factors. It is important to understand it is not a quick fire solution, rather, effective and comprehensive weight loss aids that offer definitive benefits slowly but steadily. How to Gain Weight with Ayurveda? Ayurvedic treatment is an amalgamation of various natural cures like eating regimen, fragrant healing, yoga, meditation, oil massage, etc. According to Ayurvedic Medicine, People with Vata dominant physiology are generally thin and small body structure. The reason behind this is the increased vata dosha tends to dry up the moisture content and nourishment from their body. Other causes are parasites and worms in the intestinal tract. This is commonly known as Krimi, parasites and they make the host nutritionally deficient. Typical symptoms of people with parasites are loss of sleep, depression, over thinking and eating vata aggravating foods like dry, crispy and cold with taste of bitter, pungent, and astringent. In Ayurvedic Medicine, it is said that you are what you eat. So, if you are looking to gain weight. Try out these simple, natural and effective remedies. So, don’t be in hurry in gaining weight. Dietary and lifestyle intervention along with Ayurvedic herbs helps in balancing the doshas of the body. Go step by step and stick to above regimen, you will surely gain weight. Source: Free Articles from Ayurzones is considered to be the hub for all direct vitamins. We have been delivering the Indian made vitamins and supplements for the last 5 years at the doorsteps and has provided the confidence and quality to many individual health regimes in the country.