The 2 Ultimate Extra Steps to the “5 Steps to Creating Results in Your Life” After reading “5 Steps to Creating Results in Your Life”, ... yourself on your desire to learn and your ... These 2 absolutely crucial steps have the potential to light the fire under you so that you begin to make your dreams real. Let us put your life on over-drive! Step #1: Develop self honesty. All you need is to do here is to always practice telling yourself the truth. For example: “I want it but I am not really willing to take it on”. Catch yourself being honest with yourself. It gives you strength and courage. What areas in your life need truth? Tell yourself the truth about it and write it down. Step #2: Create and write down your personal plan You need to list what you will do month by month, week by week and establish how you will stay on track. Step #3: Maintain a daily “To Do” list Items on your “To Do” list need to be concise, specific, prioritized and realistic. For instance, “make 5 phone calls to potential clients by noon” is a good example. Stay focused on one single task until it is complete. Step #4: Develop a self-evaluation system You need to know how you are doing from a source that is not you. For instance, use numbers as goals, they don’t lie. Did you make your 5 phone calls or not? If you made less than 5, you missed the goal. Step #5: Stay energized and focused You can get derailed by harsh criticism, setbacks and unplanned events. It is crucial to surround yourself with practices and people that nourish and protect you. What people around you can help you stay positive and motivated? What regular practices can nourish your body and soul? Now that you have established a plan for what you want, this step is about turning your attention from you to benefiting others: your employer, community; colleagues, friends and family. “I need to take care of myself 1st” does not work as well as this technique – by a long shot. Instead of focusing on creating results for yourself, forget your salary, your bonus, being acknowledged etc. Just get the job done without expecting anything in return. Expect nothing! It can be such a freeing concept.It is about helping and solving problems for the benefit of others - not yours. Surprised? Well, give it some serious consideration and more… do it until you begin to experience amazing coincidences, unplanned opportunities and accelerated results.If you are in transition in your life and wondering whether you should create your own business or not: start by looking for the kind of people that need the services of someone with your skills. Look for a problem to solve, behind that you will find grateful clients and customers.If you are looking for a job, do the same: look for problems that need be solved in a hurry! Behind that is a future employer. Now, start nailing those problems with passion and you will become indispensable. Here are some examples of giving: A lot of us dream about financial security, admiration by others, never having a boss again or traveling around the world. Please explore the question: “When you have made it financially and you have done it all, what will you do during the rest of your life?” What does fulfillment look like to you and what would you be doing? Can you start doing a bit of that now? Who ever said that success is about sitting by the pool all day, sipping juice for the rest of your life? That would look like reaching the ultimate level of uselessness. Wouldn’t it? We also might not be designed physiologically to be unproductive all day. “What would happen to the wild lion if it could eat meat 3 times a day without hunting?” I would answer: “It would probably need a lion psycho-therapist to survive and get out of depression!”I want to suggest that by working hard at what you have decided to do and by contributing to others’ success, the joy and self-satisfaction may be so high that counting work hours will become irrelevant. Your focus may become to stay physically healthy so you can do even more. Go out there, take these 2 extra steps and make the world a better place! Source: Free Articles from