This is an article about depression and the suicidal ideation that sometimes goes along with it. This article also gives a ten step process that has helped me beat these thoughts and feelings. There are few things in life that bring about sorrow like depression. It is a whole body experience, meaning that the entire body feels the effects of this debilitating disorder. There are many symptoms of depression and many results can come from these symptoms, but for the purpose of this article, one will be focused on in particular. Suicidal ideation can be the most devastating of all Depression symptoms.  Feelings of complete hopelessness that derive from these ideations can further a depressive state. Here are some tips that I have used to help in beating these feelings and thoughts. 1. Acknowledge that the feelings are there. If you are having thoughts of suicide then you first have to admit that they are there. You can’t beat something if you are in denial. 2.  Don’t ponder. This seems like a contradiction to number 1 but it’s not. It is OK to accept that the thoughts are there, but it isn't OK to stay hung up on those thoughts. 3. Tell a friend. You have to have a support group behind you. You don’t have to face these thoughts and feelings alone. Also the friend or friends that you have told can check up on you. 4. Know that you are not alone. Others have experienced the same thoughts and feeling you have. They are not unique to you. If others can beat it so can you. 5. It will pass. For most these thoughts and feelings are just temporary, fight the good fight and you will get through it. 6. Know what you are really wanting. Most people don’t want to die; they just don’t want to live like they are. 7. Keep busy with a smile. Keep yourself preoccupied. Avoid alone time and always smile. This is hard but it will keep your mind off of suicidal thoughts and feelings of distress. 8. Write down your strong points. Write down your strong points, any and all of them, even if it is hard at the time to think of any. When you are done, read them out loud, to yourself or to a friend. Hearing these strong points will boost your sense of self worth. 9. Get help. This is the most important thing you can do. Seek out a counselor. They are trained on how to handle and what to do with these feelings and thoughts. They can provide crucial feedback and give valuable tools that you can use to beat this. 10. Death is not an option. Tell yourself, “I am a fighter, I can beat this.” “This is only temporary, it will get better.” Take the legs out from suicidal ideation by forcing yourself to accept that anything is an option except death. Now remember I am not a trained professional, these are simply things that I have used to beat suicidal ideations. If you are experiencing thoughts or feelings of suicide then seek immediate help. The important thing to remember is that you can and will beat these thoughts and feelings. Tell yourself that you will not be a statistic but rather you will beat this and live a long, fruitful, healthy and happy life. Source: Free Articles from