What Is Your Highest Potential?   Your highest potential is when there is no limit to what you can have, do or be.  You are fully connected to the center of our soul.  You know your purpose and you feel joy, satisfaction and freedom every day.  You have within yourself, the potentiality to create whatever you desire.  The problem is that most people are so disconnected from the center of their soul that they don’t even know what they truly desire.   Who are you when you are still, quiet, and fully connected to the center of your soul?  This is where your truth and your power live.  This is the seed for your highest potential to arise from.  When you peal back all of the “masks” that you have created for yourself, what, or who, lies beneath?   I spent 40 years of my life creating new masks for myself.  Masks that would allow me to “fit” into each new life’s experience as it came my way.  With each new experience I needed to figure out what would be expected of me, how did I need to show up in order to be accepted and fit in?  Who did they want or need me to be?   It certainly is no wonder that I felt so disconnected from my own truth and the center of my soul.   And it certainly is no wonder that I had lost my power.  No, wait, I hadn’t lost it ….. I just didn’t know how to access it.   This is the feeling of being stuck.  You know that there is something more for you to experience, or express, but you just don’t know what that is.  Like me, you may have felt frustrated, dissatisfied for no apparent reason, restless, struggling to find more meaning and satisfaction in your daily life.     So, when you are in this stuck place, how can you begin to go deeper beyond the masks that you may not even realize you’ve placed upon yourself?  Use this simple exercise to help you begin to connect with what lies in the center of your soul and lead you to experience your highest potential:   Begin your day by taking some time to image what your life would look like, and feel like, if you were living it at your highest potential.  You may even ask your higher self for guidance about what you are to do, and allow it to take you there.  Allow yourself enough time to see and sense all of the rich details that lie along your true life’s path.    Once you connect with your truth and purpose, your power naturally shows up, like the clouds parting for the bright, strong, warm power of the sun to shine through. It is natural, it feels good, and it is right.  Suddenly, everything is right.  Then the flow happens.  Doors open, opportunities arise and other powerful, helping people appear in your life that you could have never dreamed of for yourself in the past.  It is then that you are in alignment with your highest potential to reveal itself to you over and over again.  And you will be amazed at what begins to quickly and effortlessly show up for you. ~Laurie Polinski Source: Free Articles from ArticlesFactory.com