We are not all born rich, but if we believe that our hard work and efforts will pay off, then we will be able to create abundance for ourself . We are all not born rich, but there are some people who were born poor and yet were able to achieve great things. So if you think that the world is cruel to you, simply because you were born poor, then think again my friend. The following are some of the famous example of rags to riches personalities: John D. Rockefeller; Ozzy Osbourne; J.K. Rowling; Andrew Carnegie; and I are sure you all know Oprah Winfrey’s story. Now, these people were actually not born rich. They too have experienced how it is to be poor and how to fail. But did that ever stopped them for not dreaming? Did poverty stop them from reaching greatness? The answer is a definite NO! Now, let’s talk about J.K. Rowling, She wasn’t born rich. She actually moved from one place to another. There was a point in time where she was living on nothing but welfare. She was even diagnosed with clinical depression and has contemplated suicide. She wrote her very first book by visiting café’s after another. Despite her situation, she made it a point to better herself, and gave her all to writing her now famous books. Had she allowed to be swallowed by her problems before, we would not be able to witness how great she is as a writer. To date, she sold over 400 million books, and is now estimated to be worth over $1.1 Billion. Another good example is Oprah Winfrey. Oprah’s story is familiar to all of us. But to some, who doesn’t well let me share the following with you. She was born to two teenagers, once she was born, her parents separated. Oprah was basically raised by her poor grandmother. At the age of six she moved in with her mother. Her mother is not rich as well. She was indeed a rebellious teenager, because of that her mother sent her away to live with her father. She may be a rebellious teenager, but Oprah was a good student. To make this story short, Oprah became a radio host and then moved on to being as we all know her, a great TV host. She wasn’t born rich, but she made a choice to better her life. She now owns her very own TV channel, TV Show and a Magazine. And as we all know, she is known to create abundance not only to herself but to others as well. She made it a point to inspire others by telling her story and by reaching out to others. The list can go on and on, but I picked two people who best signify success. Despite being born poor, they thrived and worked hard to battle poverty. They got rid of poverty by simply believing that they too can achieve great things. Abundance comes to those who seek and at the same time works hard for it. No amount of money will be able to help you if you do not help yourself first. Let go of the things that are hindering you from succeeding. Let go of unwanted bad thoughts, feelings or emotions. Stop being scared. If you do not at least try to better your situation, then no one else can do it for you. Life as we all know it is hard. And it will remain hard if you keep thinking that it is hard. Manifest abundance in your life and to others as well, by simply eliminating negative thoughts, feelings or emotions. Instead of feeling sad that you are not rich, then why not try to do things that will indeed make you rich? You and I can achieve greatness, only if we learn how to set our minds to it. Source: Free Articles from ArticlesFactory.com Do you really want to continue to let negative thoughts and emotions run your life or would you like to learn a powerful method that will show you how to harness the power of your mind so that you can start creating abundance in your life? Find out how you can start creating abundance in your life at http://creatingabundancenow.com