Having a spiritual teacher is important. These are the people we choose to help guide us along a spiritual path and they have a dramatic effect on how we develop as people. Choosing the right spiritual guide is important as well. Looking for the qualities you hope to develop within yourself is a good way of finding a competent teacher.  Navigating through ideas of a spiritual nature can be confusing at times. Illuminating the pathway responsibly can require guidance. Yoga practitioner, Ivan Lasater discusses the importance of a spiritual teacher. A responsible spiritual teacher can be the light upon the path to spiritual fulfillment. It is a responsibility that shouldn’t be taken lightly and anyone seeking a spiritual guide should assume great care in devoting themselves to any particular course of study. Just as we inherit traits from the people who brought us into this world, we also inherit the traits of those who guide us through it. This could be your parents, grandparents, friends, and even work associates. The most profound influences we have in our lives, outside of the family unit, would be our teachers. The effects that our teachers have on us determines that knowledge we have to find our way in the world. Just as a teacher has an important responsibility to teach a student correctly and nurture their ability to learn, a student also has a responsibility to the teacher. The people in this life who assist us in gaining knowledge also supply us with the confidence and morale development that will ultimately result in the quality of life we feel in the moment. It is a great responsibility to be a teacher but it is a greater responsibility to honor those who helped you prepare for life. Having a spiritual teacher is important. These are the people we choose to help guide us along a spiritual path and they have a dramatic effect on how we develop as people. Choosing the right spiritual guide is important as well. Looking for the qualities you hope to develop within yourself is a good way of finding a competent teacher. Do they possess what you want for yourself? Will they have a clear and effective teaching method? Are they teaching from practical experience? Students have a clear responsibility to focus on learning and practicing what they are taught. Honoring your spiritual teacher by learning to the best of your ability, asking the right questions, and deferring to your teacher with a humble attitude shows them that you respect and appreciate their guidance. Source: Free Articles from ArticlesFactory.com Ivan Lasater is an Oil and Gas Production Enhancement Specialist and Operations Manager in the Oil and Gas industry focused on developing  relationships with companies like Chevron, Occidental USA, BP, Conoco Phillips, Devon, Continental Resources, Bonanza Creek Petroleum, Vintage Petroleum and others. find out more- https://ivanlasater.wordpress.com/ https://twitter.com/ivanlasater