Marital difficulties have become more prominent in our modern-day lives as most of the couples are finding it difficult to adjust with each other. This has gradually escalated the divorce rate as well as the number of people seeking save marriage advice. Breakups and divorces are always painful, not only for the both partners but for the other people associated with it, such as children. If you are experiencing some marital difficulties in your life and trying to save your marriage, then keep on reading this article as we are going to tell so about three major things that you should avoid in order to save your marriage. 1. Never complain or criticize your partner and your marriage. It may be difficult, but you will have to do this if you are genuinely trying to save your marriage. This advice should be followed by both partners as mutual efforts always benefit. Criticizing you relationship or partner will only increasing the marital problems and gap between two of you. Even when you find yourself thinking negative, stop immediately and divert your thoughts. If you will practice this consistently, you will realize the changes in you and your partner’s behavior. No one likes to live with a partner that keeps on nagging, criticizing and complaining. Once you will stop this negative behavior, your spouse will start feeling good about you. 2. The second that that you should abstain from is not praising your spouse. Instead, you should focus on positive aspects of your relationship. This is again a tough task, especially when everything is going badly but you will have to do it if you are trying to save your marriage seriously. Make a list of things that you liked in your partner when the relationship started. There must be a lot of things about your partner that you fell in love with. Recall all those point, note down and use them whenever required. These points can be used to praise your partner and compliment him or her. Everyone has a need to feel valued and appreciated, but the need is not fulfilled when the relationships go bad. Instead, they start finding faults in each other. Okay, what you have to do here is often compliment your partner in a sincere way. 3. The last thing that you can do if you are trying to save your marriage is to be patient. Communicate clearly and also listen to your partner’s thoughts. Do not pressurize your spouse for anything and give them time as well as space to rethink upon their ideas. Although there are several books that you can refer to solve the marital difficulties, these three points will definitely help you if you are trying to save your marriage. Moreover, these steps will show your partner that you value your relationship and working hard to save it anyway. Source: Free Articles from