Alibaba clone script is the creativity how to begin own B2B Business Portal with forward technology. Here each one can make announcement or declaration of their stock. No specialized knowledge is needed here. Industrial science is flourishing so fast there is no time to spend more time at a specific thing. Everyone wants to pop up business at rapid speed. Stock and services like computer, building and construction, automobile, medicines, cosmetics, leather products, hands and machine tools, industrial supplies, telecom, printing and publishing, sporting things, apparel and garments, arts and crafts etc. all types of services are applicable here. Everyone can make proclamation of their products or stocks. This script fulfills all the demands of user at very low cost. Alibaba clone Overview:-  Alibaba clone script turn up with new great idea for the business satisfaction. It is the leading way to start B2B business publicly in the world. It is developed in PHP and MySQL. On board each one can make declaration or announcement of their products. Dealer can search any stock and services. If purchaser found anything interesting he can book the product or stock online. The ordered product will be dropped at the right time. It is based on supervision. Only authorized person can access it with simple Login and registration process. Dealer or vendors also post his/her demand or need here easily. In this way user can make online advertisement or announcement of their products for selling purpose. Features that attracts you: Step By Step Instructions: - If anybody will found this script interesting and helpful and want to purchase it. There are very easy steps to purchase this script. There is no need to go portside or wonder here and there for purchasing this script. After you purchase your script: -   after getting the successfully delivery of the script, it is very easy to install and access. No programming required while using this script. Source: Free Articles from I have written many Articles and promoted it on Google Adsense. I am a professional writer and SEO in Eagle Technosys.  I love all the web designs promoted on Google by others. I know the web languages like .net, Java, Php, HTML that play a great role in the working of a website. I also try to bring something interesting or readable.