Here are 10 ways to expand your ... list:1. Keep your ... form easy to find on every webpage. ... add it on your ... bar. If theform is to large for the bar or page, a Here are 10 ways to expand your subscriber list:1. Keep your subscription form easy to find on every webpage. Preferably, add it on your navigational bar. If theform is to large for the bar or page, add a hyperlink andsend them to a popup or a separate page so that the previouspage on your site doesn't disappear. It is easy for them toreturn.2. Not only must the form be easy to see, it also needs tobe easy to read. Label each field. I've seen a few where Ididn't know what to enter. Be kind to computer readerssuffering from dry eyes, make the font large and easy toread.3. Do you write your own ezine articles? Add a "pleasesubscribe here line to your byline. Begin the line with abenefit they get from subscribing and then add a fewinvitational words along with a URL hyperlink. Example:"Learn more about this topic. Subscribe to [name of yourezine] by visiting...."4. Generally, people are impulse buyers. So, give themthat impulse. Give away a free ebook. Instead of lettingthem see that the ebook is free. Regularly charge for theeBook. Six dollars is a good price, just explain them thatit is a limited special offer.They will perceive it even more valuable when there is aprice connected to it. An example of the wording could golike, "Normally this ebook sells for $6 at [your web siteURL or even a middle man ebook site]." Always give them areason why you are giving it to them free. Make the reasonbelievable.5. Do you belong to networking groups, or attend otherevents? Invite everyone you meet if they would like toregister for your ezine. Give them a story about the free,but not so free, ebook offer. Always, make this offerlimited. In fact, have a list of these free but-not-freeebooks, written either by you, affiliates, or from resaleright products. Move them around. Put one on the calendarfor January through December and then repeat them the nextyear. Then in the third year, change it. Also, share withthem how easy it is to opt-out if they don't like the ezineand they can keep the ebook.6. Don't stop at networking groups, contact trade orprofessional organizations you do or don't belong to thathave a high percentage of your type of readers. Ask for themembership list. Look for the people you have identified asyour gatekeepers (people that know lots of others in yourtarget market). For accountants, it's lawyers and bankers.Call them and introduce yourself. Ask if they couldrecommend your ezine to a few of their friends. You canalso attend their networking events and ask, ask, ask.7. Instead, or in addition to, calling the gatekeepers youhave identified on the membership lists, you can send them aletter of introduction -- a direct mail piece. The piececan ask them (a call to action) to visit your web site formore information on your newsletter and/or receive a copy ofthe free but-not-free ebook.8. Share the wealth. Exchange recommendations to eachother's newsletter. Be prepared for these so that itdoesn't cost you valuable time when you are working on adeadline. If you work with a virtual assistant, let themrespond to these opportunities. Prepare three or fourexamples and offer the exchanger their choice to use onethat they feel is appropriate for their audience. Ask themfor a reciprocal and equal announcement.9. Make comments and include your byline at the end.Comments can be product review on Amazon, ezines you enjoy,or local newspapers. Give suggestions, share your storieson how it helped you, ask questions, or give ideas thatemerged from your reading. Blogs are also good places tocomment on as well.10. It takes 7 times before people start to trust. Presentthem 7 opportunities to have two-way conversations with you.Not one-way conversations (you write, they read). Providethe two-way with surveys, questions, contests, games, thingsthat they need to ask for are just a few. If you areoffering a contest, send them a testimonial from the winner.If you can, create an opportunity for many winners. Itspreads the hope.Copyright 2004, Catherine Franz. All rights reserved. Source: Free Articles from